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Short but Sweet South Korea


South Korea remains quite a mystery for many UK travellers. Not as well-known as Japan and without the iconic sites of China, South Korea is for many something of a step into the unknown.

A trip to South Korea therefore offers the chance to experience a destination rarely visited by UK travellers and get off the beaten track in East Asia.

Almost all journeys to South Korea begin in Seoul, South Korea's bustling capital city. Experience the old and new and make a visit to the DMZ and the border with the North.

Culture buffs will want to make Gyeongju high on the list whilst there is plenty in South Korea for those looking for a more active holiday including beautiful national parks and walking trails in Seoraksan and Jeju Island.

South Korea Highlights

This 8-day private tour of South Korea focuses on the highlights of South Korea travelling from Seoul to Busan.

Seoul, Gyeongju, Busan
The Best of South Korea
7 Nights from
Flight Inclusive Price from UK